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Student Assignments CoE Logistiek

This webpage displays all student assignments that are...
14 juli 2023 / 1840

This webpage displays all student assignments that are available for the upcoming semester. 

For more information about the project(s) that interest you, you can send an e-mail to Leonie Geurts (l.geurts@fontys.nl).

KPI Dashboard OntwerpLogistics Management/EngineeringPRO4/PRO&sup2Dutch
Investigate and improve carbon emissions at Rhenus RoadLogistics Management/Engineering / International BusinessInternship/PRO7English, Dutch
Haalbaarheidsstudie Deelauto OndernemersInternational BusinessThesisDutch


KPI Dashboard Design at Attero

Investigate and improve carbon emissions at Rhenus Road

Haalbaarheidsstudie Deelauto Ondernemers