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Student Assignment: Investigate and improve carbon emissions at Rhenus Road

Due to new and upcoming regulations concerning the...
22 juni 2023 / 1084

Due to new and upcoming regulations concerning the measurement and (mandatory) reporting of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions logistics companies need to be prepared for performing CO2 measurements and CO2 reduction activities within the company and in the supply chain. Since many companies are not aware of the implications of these new regulations, they are in great need of help. Next to that, companies lack awareness on the requirements from customers and suppliers for CO2 emission reports and agreements in the supply chain.

Company: Rhenus Road (via CoE Supply Chain Innovation)
Location: Rhenus Road location Venlo, possibility to travel to other sites of Rhenus Road in the Netherlands
Duration: 5 months from September 2023
Internship Allowance: €300
Role: Internship

The full assignment description can be downloaded by clicking on the button below.

For more information about the project(s) that interest you, you can send an e-mail to Guy Somers g.somers@fontys.nl and Leonie Geurts, l.geurts@fontys.nl.

Insights artikel Investigate and improve carbon emissions at Rhenus Road

Auteur Betrokken partijen Jaar Leestijd
Rhenus Road Rhenus Road 2023 5 min