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Realizing the Potential of Blockchain

Distributed ledger technology promises to have far-reaching economic...
25 januari 2018 / 1627

Distributed ledger technology promises to have far-reaching economic and social implications. By leveraging a global peer network to assure directly and transparently the integrity of value exchanged between parties, blockchain appears likely to transform a number of important industries thatsupply or rely upon third-party assurance. It could prove to be a broader force for transparency and integrity in society, including in the fight against bribery and corruption. It could also lead to extensive changes in supply chains and governmental functions, such as central banking.The extent to which this new technology realizes its potential will depend in substantial part upon how well stakeholders steward its development. There remain important open governance questions regarding both the functioning of the technology and its current and potential applications.

The World Economic Forum and its new Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution is pleased to publish this foundational survey of blockchain governance challenges and multistakeholder cooperation opportunities. Authored by Don and Alex Tapscott, leading experts on both blockchain and multistakeholder governance, this White Paper provides a structured analytical framework and taxonomy for use by industry, technical, governmental, civil society and other stakeholders in considering how they might collaborate to resolve problems and unlock opportunities beyond the reach of any single actor.

Insights artikel Realizing the Potential of Blockchain

Auteur Betrokken partijen Jaar Leestijd
Don Tapscott & Alex Tapscott World Economic Forum 2017 2 uur

