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From direct benefits to big impact

This whitepaper is the result of the Logistics...
11 januari 2018 / 2630

This whitepaper is the result of the Logistics & Fintech programme, focusing on exchanging knowledge, promoting interest and creating collaboration opportunities between the fintech and logistics industries. This whitepaper presents our vision of financial innovation for the logistics industry, with best practices and future developments.

Impact logistics fintech

The Netherlands is a worldwide leader in logistics, creating significant added value and employment. In logistics, an extensive chain of companies moves goods from one party to another, requiring information exchange and supply chain coordination. Global developments urge the Dutch sector to continuously innovate in order to remain competitive. Innovation is driven by logistics giants and startups with new perspectives and platforms. Traditionally,
innovation used to focus on the optimisation of physical goods flows and information flows. Today, the flow of transaction is recognised as an opportunity to add value in advanced logistics services.

Insights artikel From direct benefits to big impact

Betrokken partijen Jaar Leestijd
Fintech, Dinalog, TLN, ABN, Windesheim and more 2017 60 mins

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