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The 4th edition of the Global Student Challenge starts today!

We are proud to announce the 4th edition...
06 september 2017 / 1935

We are proud to announce the 4th edition of the Global Student Challenge! A total of €20,000 in cash prizes and a trip to The Netherlands are among the rewards for successful competitors. All participants also get exclusive membership to our talent platform, The Talent Connection! 

The Global Student Challenge is now Bigger, Better, and re-Branded into a Stylish New Outfit! This year for the first time we have the two tracks, The Cool Connection (TCC) and The Fresh Connection (TFC), running simultaneously and merging during the Global Final Week! The Fresh Connection zooms in on Supply Chain Strategy, S&OP and managing Supply Chain trade-offs, whereas The Cool Connection is about managing the whole value chain with a focus on bridging the physical and the financial Supply Chain.

The Global Student Challenge, is the no. 1 competition in the Supply Chain domain. Annually, thousands of students from across the globe sign on. The Challenge is to make the best strategic and tactical decisions to save the virtual company, TCC or TFC, from financial ruin. Students get to learn by experience, gain valuable knowledge, and develop skills needed to cross over to the corporate sector.

The Challenge aims to bridge the gap between the academic and corporate Supply Chain world. This means creating a platform for students to learn by experience and kick start their careers, and for companies to tap into talent and gain access to future business leaders. Participants gain exclusive membership to our talent platform, The Talent Connection. Top companies like KPMG and Amgen use The Talent Connection to find the best Supply Chain Talents. Even more so, starting this year, corporate networking & recruitment will be an integral part of the Global Final Week!

Students and teachers can now join the Challenge and start their Supply Chain journey. After selecting the preferred track, the first step is to reach positive results during the Qualification Phase, which is completely online. The next step is to become the best team in a region. The Regional Finals will consist of both online and physical events organized by our partner universities. Winners of these Regional Finals have a guaranteed spot in the Global Final!

Check out each track’s brand-new website for more information:

The Cool Connection:  www.globalstudentchallenge.org

The Fresh Connection: www.tfcstudentchallenge.org