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Smart City Logistics; Student Assignment

Living, working, spending your free-time… Nowadays, more and...
19 maart 2018 / 2744

Living, working, spending your free-time… Nowadays, more and more residents live in cities. These cities are most of the time created in the time of the Industrial Revolution. You can imagine the structure of a city with industrial and economic -shopping and leisure – and living areas, all interconnected by an infrastructure for public and private transport of persons and goods.

Cities are changing. Changing in such a way that they become an environment where you work, live, learn, shop and recreate in almost every place of the city. In another rhythm, the rhythm of the 24- hours economy. However, this change impacts our infrastructure and solutions for logistics. We also want to have a sustainable city and future.

Scl student assignment

The main question arises: how can we construct sustainable city logistics for the future? This question is the central theme in this student assignment for bachelor and master students at universities and universities of applied sciences from all different disciplines. Also, senior secondary school pupils are invited to join us in providing an answer for the future.

One of the promising solutions for future logistics is the concept of the Physical Internet. We invite you to apply this concept to create a solution as answer for our future! This assignment is organized in the run up to the International Physical Internet Conference in 2018 and the best team will win a grant in order to present their solution during the Physical Internet Conference.

Submit your final work via e-mail (ipic2018@rug.nl) before May 6, 2018.